I was delighted to recently be given the opportunity to review a fabulous new product to the nursery market! I'd read a few things about this new 'giant playmat' after it's launch at the Excel Baby show last Autumn and was intrigued! Like most Mummies I had bought a playmat for my baby, which was fine for the first few months but as Elizabeth started to get mobile, she would roll off it all the time and it soon got left unused. It also wasn't very padded so although it was ok in the carpeted rooms, if I wanted to bring Elizabeth through to play on it while I was cleaning or cooking in the kitchen it didn't offer much protection from the cold hard floors...
When I heard about the Playduvet I thought this could be the answer!
It was created by a mum that needed a safe, soft, clean space for her 4 month old to play once she started rolling over, fearful of her hitting her head on hard, wood floors she could find nothing on the market thick enough to protect her, fun enough to stimulate her and big enough to stop her rolling off straight away, so she set about making the first PlayDuvet!
I loved the idea of the PlayDuvet, a Giant playmat which not only gives baby plenty of space to explore, it is also lovely and padded as you use it over a duvet!
The PlayDuvet arrived in it's own matching bag and I was very surprised at how compact it was! After seeing pictures of it in action on the website I couldn't believe how small it folded down! My first thoughts were how ideal it would be for travelling, whether taking it on holiday or just staying at the grandparents, it would hardly take up any space at all and would be very useful to have a safe 'playarea' for both Elizabeth and Ben when away from home!
The PlayDuvet is essentially designed as a double duvet cover so you just pop it on a spare double duvet, zip it up (the zip is hidden underneath away from curious hands) and .. Tada! You have a giant playmat that is not only lovely and padded to protect little ones from cold hard floors but is also covered with giant colourful squares which provide a selection of sensory play!
The squares are made from different textured fabrics and there are a variety of bright coloured patterns and bold black and white shapes to capture even the youngest baby's interest! |
The 60cm by 60cm squares all have different features for little ones to explore, from the bright bold patterns, to the soft fleecy white shapes on black backgrounds with hidden crinkle and squeaky noises and the taggies in a variety of colours and fabrics, the playduvet offers lots to grab and hold a little ones attention!
There are elements to stimulate a baby's development right from the start. It would be ideal from birth as the thickness of the duvet provides a lovely soft, safe place to lie down and 'play' with your newborn, and as their vision develops the bold black and white shapes will capture baby's attention and provide focus during 'tummy time'. Another plus is it provides a comfy soft surface for Mummy to lie on while entertaining a young baby on the floor!
As baby develops and starts to roll the play duvet would provide a lovely large area for them to explore, and as they go on to sit up and begin to crawl this giant playmat offers a soft landing should they lose their balance and topple over!
Elizabeth was 13 months when we started using the Playduvet and I can see how useful it would have been through earlier stages of her development, I really wish it had been around sooner! However all is not lost as it's here now and is invaluable for older babies and toddlers too!
Elizabeth is currently at the stage where she is crawling confidently and taking some tentative steps, but she hasn't quite got her balance yet so often ends up on her bottom, the Playduvet provides her with a safe, soft landing each and every time this happens!
The bright colours and shapes caught Elizabeth's attention as soon as she saw it and she immediately crawled over to play with some of the 'taggies', she was delighted to discover the hidden noises under the soft shapes, the crinkles had her giggling away to herself when she crawled over them and it was Ben who first discovered the squeaks much to both of their delight!
Both Ben and Elizabeth enjoy sitting and playing with their toys on the PlayDuvet, It's so spacious that they can easily have a few things out at the same time, It's also great for staying organised as they keep everything they're playing with in their 'play space' rather than being dotted around various areas of the room. (Although I still manage to stand on the one piece of Lego that escapes!)
It's great for spending quality time as a family, plenty big enough for Mummy, Ben and Elizabeth (and even Daddy on a weekend!) to play a game together or snuggle up and read a story. Elizabeth finds it so comfy she'll often take a nap on it!
It really is a portable playroom! If I need to go and do some dishes in the kitchen or some ironing up stairs I can just pick it up (without the children on of course!!) and move it to wherever I wish, toys and all! Elizabeth can then carry on playing near me and I can get on with some chores!
It's also washable so unlike other playmats or gyms I have had where a spillage, sicky or a leaky nappy meant an hour of scrubbing, with the playduvet you just take it off and pop it in the washing machine! A waterproof cover is also available separately to go as an extra layer underneath and protect your duvet, this would be ideal for during potty training!
This is an product that I can see using for years to come, and is ideal for growing families! Perfect for playdates or even childminders the playduvet provides a safe multi-sensory envirnmont that encorages play!
Since having my children and being involved in writing reviews of baby and child items, I have come across many fantastic innovative products, but I have to say that this is the one I wish I had thought of myself! It just seems to tick every box, it's fun, it's entertaining, its good quality, it's safe, it's portable, it's washable, it promotes family time and stimulates child development! What's not to like?
So where can I buy it? And how much is it? I hear you ask...
The fabulous PlayDuvet and it's accessories (including waterproof cover, cusion covers and a branded luggage strap) can all be purchased from www.playduvet.com.
The playduvet on it's own costs £75 or you can purchase a Playduvet Bundle offer that includes the Playduvet and the complete set of accessories for just £99.50 (saving £11!)
Although this cost may seem a little high for a playmat, the playduvet is so many other things! Standard playmats that are usually less than a quarter of the size of this and can cost anything from £15 to £35, from my experience these are only really used until a baby starts to roll over (around four months), where as this 'portable playroom' will last (and be used) from birth to toddlerdom and beyond! So it's really fantastic Value for Money!
I find that when your having a baby you receive so many 'throwaway' or duplicate gifts, why not ask a few family members or friends to club together and get something you know you will use like the fabulous Playduvet?